Articles about COP28, climate conferences and related topics


Conferences and climate agreements

Brief History of COP – Updated March 2023

Back to Stockholm!

Stockholm Declaration. Proclaims and Principles

The Stockholm Conference, what is the balance after 50 years?

Summary and conclusions of the Rio Summit, Second Earth Summit – Updated

The Stockholm Declaration, in way to the half century of the First Earth Summit

Kyoto Protocol

The Kyoto Protocol, origins and outcome

Leaders of the world’s eyes are upon you humanity

The Protocol of Kyoto walks like a lost soul out there

The Protocol of Kyoto, Pandora’s box and Google

The Protocol of Kyoto died, house for sale in wonderful beach

The Protocol of Kyoto went up to the roof

The Paris Agreement

Are the objectives of the Paris Agreement realistic?

Fracking fever, a real threat to Paris Agreement

COP Conferences

Summary and conclusions of COP27 Sharm El-Sheikh 2022

Preliminary information on COP27 Sharm El-Sheikh 2022

Summary and conclusions of COP26 Glasgow 2021

To the youth of the world, about the COP26

Preliminary information on COP26 Glasgow 2021

Special Report 2021. COP26 Glasgow 2021 and Race to Zero

Summary and Conclusions of COP25 Chile-Madrid 2019

What is expected of COP25 and what are its objectives

The COP25, Chile and its golden opportunity to make history

Summary and conclusions of the COP24, Katowice 2018 

Summary and Conclusions of the COP23

Worrying aspects of COP21

The voices of Cancun (COP16)

COP 15, Copenhagen: a climatic tower of Babel

COP 15, Copenhagen is not a game … (I)

COP 15 Copenhagen: the fate of humanity will be played?

Other sections of COP28 Dubai UAE 2023