FAQs about Desertification

Source: Bummelhummel en Pixabay
2. What is desertification?
Desertification is one of the main environmental problems on the planet. Article 1 of “The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification” (UNCCD) defines desertification as “the degradation of dry, semi-arid and sub-humid lands resulting from various factors, such as climatic variations and human activities”. The Convention was approved in 1994 by more than 180 countries in the world and is binding.
It was signed in 1996 and ratified by more than 190 countries. It pointed out in its prologue that desertification and drought, fundamentally attributed to human activities, constitute problems of global dimensions, since their effects affect all regions of the world and that it is It is necessary that the international community adopt joint measures to fight it, due to its particularly tragic consequences on the African continent.
Desertification is a phenomenon whose progress is difficult to perceive with the naked eye because it grows little by little, very slowly, but without pause. It significantly affects the socio-economic environment, causing more deaths and human displacement than any other natural disaster.
The fight against desertification: an effective reduction in deforestation must be achieved as the most important measure in the fight against desertification. Other actions that have been implemented are the reforestation of the damaged areas, through the planting of trees, the creation of artificial rain and in general the awareness of the population about the problem.