FAQs about Desertification

Source: Bummelhummel en Pixabay
5. How can desertification be stopped?
One of the main and most effective actions would be the drastic decrease in forest deforestation. The problem is that humanity has no control over their forests, since they are in the territory of some countries, which wield their national sovereignty every time the issue is put on the table. So then we have that a few countries and individuals can endanger humanity and large numbers of species. As long as this situation is not resolved, desertification will continue to advance, increasing global warming and accelerating the process of planetary climate change.
For the recovery of the damages inflicted on the rainforest and forests there are proposals such as hydrological-forest restoration, which consists of a series of actions to safeguard the soil from erosion, drought, floods and increase the capacity of water accumulation and contribute to the conservation and improvement of the soil mechanism.
“Forest-hydrological restoration techniques are based on the foundations of forest hydrology, considered a specialty of hydrology that studies the relationship between water and soil, within the framework of forests and mountains (López Cadenas de Llano, 1994), and consist mainly of the implantation of green cover, the execution of hydro technics and the carrying out of silvicultural treatments aimed at improving the ecological functionality of forests, with special attention to soil protection and formation ”, according to the Ministry of agriculture, fishing and food of Spain
Another set of Forest Actions is also carried out to improve the vegetation cover, such as the restoration of areas affected by large forest fires, and specific plans to mitigate desertification and erosion. However, all these measures will be ineffective if a drastic decrease in forest deforestation is not achieved.