FAQs about Water Pollution and Shortage

4. What are the main water pollutants?

In the waters, pollution includes oceans, seas, lakes, lagoons, rivers and ponds. Pollutants include all types of substances and materials. From a plastic bag thrown into the sea to a can of soda to a river. Many cities discharge into rivers, lakes and seas large volumes of fecal material, pathogenic microorganisms, detergents, insoluble gases, all kinds of garbage, debris, glass, microplastics and single-use plastic objects.

Wastewater from industrial landfills contains oils, phosphates, nitrates, fluorides, lead, arsenic, selenium, cadmium, manganese, mercury and even radioactive substances. Another type of very lethal pollution is oil spills. Many of these pollutants can take hundreds and even thousands of years to be recycled by nature.

The discharges of plastics in the oceans is so serious that polyethylene objects have been found in depths that cannot be imagined. Using robots, a British team has located at the Marianas Trench and the Kermadec Trench, both in the Pacific Ocean, separated by no less than about 7,000 kilometers, plastic sinks in the most remote and hostile habitats. A plastic bag was found in the Mariana Trench, at 10,898 meters, near the maximum marine depth on Earth. Humans have reached the most unthinkable levels with our waste. The aggravating factor is that these objects are made of single-use plastics and take centuries to degrade.

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