Climate Change

The Protocol of Kyoto walks like a lost soul out there

From some time now Joseph has not been able to sleep well. It was he who placed that economic little note, those in the supply of twelve words, “has died Doña Protocol of Kyoto sell beautiful beach house”, as recounted two years or so ago, part of a trilogy which will I did a “replay” [...]

By |2019-10-22T20:15:43+00:00March 15th, 2015|Categories: Climate Change, Environment, Global Warming|0 Comments

The Protocol of Kyoto, Pandora’s box and Google

It’s the end of the fiftys, between fifth and sixth grade, times of great technological progress, times of the launching of the Sputnik, the first artificial satelite, or Laika, the first little bitch to orbit around the earth. Also the era of Professor Jaques Piccard and his Bathyscaphe Trieste, that strange-looking submersible artifact that for [...]

The Protocol of Kyoto died, house for sale in wonderful beach

I don’t know if it is that I’m too stingy or that the economic crisis has struck my pocket to harshly, but when I approached the little newsstand, the one where you place classified ads when you want to sell something, I redacted the cheapest piece of advertising the young man working at the newsstand [...]

Apology of the Earth

The title of this article is the name of a campaign I’m currently working on the social network Twitter, using paragraphs of 140 characters accompanied  images that highlight how privileged our planet is, emphasizing its geo-variety and the neat diversity of life that preserved in its air, soil and water. We should all know how [...]

By |2019-10-22T20:36:08+00:00October 22nd, 2014|Categories: Climate Change, COP and Climate Conferences, Global Warming|0 Comments

The Protocol of Kyoto went up to the roof

The conference of the parts on climate change has not matched the expectation it caused There is an old joke in which a guy who lives in Europe, e-mails his brother that has been living in New York for the last few months: “Your cat fell off the roof and died” said the e-mail. After [...]

Leaders of the world’s eyes are upon you humanity

Revised September 2011 Monday December 7, 2009 has begun the long-awaited summit on climate change on our planet Earth, sponsored by the UN, alleged to commit countries to share decreased carbon dioxide and replace the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012. The bad news is that the US and China, the two largest [...]

When the end of the world is not fiction

Revised March-September 2011 Japan is in its worst tragedy since the end of World War II. What is happening to the generous and industrious Japanese people exceeds the fertile creative minds of the most unlikely and amazing movies or science fiction novels. The catastrophe that is in full development was impossible to predict [...]

The bubble of climate

When the 1851 Great London Exhibition opened in the spectacular Crystal Palace, the first building made from crystal and steel and ancestor to modern days’ skyscapers, thousands of visitors made a stop in Cyrus McCormick’s stand to admire it’s top of the line reaping machine, one that at the time had still to be pulled [...]

The bubble of population

While most of humanity celebrated the advent of the third millennium, very few co-habitants of this privileged blue planet realized that world population had doubled twice since almost the same date one hundred years back. At the begining of the 1900’s, world population was of 1,6 billion human beings, but that ammount rose, despite two [...]

The bubble of money

The bubble of Money is undoubtedly born in 1971, just 40 years ago, when during Richard Nixon´s stay at the white house, the US decides to break the relationship there had to be between Gold and the Dollar, paying no mind to the agreements reached at Bretton Woods in New Hampshire in july of 1944, [...]

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