
Bees have nothing to celebrate

Today is World Bee Day. Why do we say that these champions of pollination and laborious honey producers have nothing to celebrate The answer is: they are in danger of extinction, basically due to our activities. And this is not a little thing, because the small Antophilas, which is its scientific name, and in Greek [...]

Ask in the Forest Day: Who owns the Amazon rainforest?

Source: Amazonia Gallery A few months after we published this article, in March 2019, the fires in the Amazon rain forest happened. A tragedy whose consequences have not yet been quantified. The circumstances that motivated our writing a year ago are more valid today than then. For this reason, we consider [...]

Timeline of ozone layer holes

What is the ozone layer? When were your holes discovered? What are your causes? How are they closing? What is the Montreal Protocol? What is the Kigali Amendment? We present a brief chronology on these topics. Who discovered the ozone layer, when the alarms were lit on their holes, what is being done about it [...]

How we affect our environment in nine different ways

Environmental pollution, pollutants and endangered species Environmental pollution, in the classical concept, occurs when certain elements that cause harmful effects accumulate in quantities that nature cannot recycle. A contaminant is a substance that is found in a medium to which it does not belong or that does so at levels that can cause adverse effects. [...]

Solar energy, a big bet against climate change

Solar energy is one that uses light or heat from the sun to generate electricity or produce heat. Photovoltaic solar panels convert sunlight into electricity through a process called photoelectric. There are millions of people who already use electricity generated by solar energy. The world is aware of the importance of the transition towards a [...]

The electric car and the thriller of the year 2020

By using clean energy instead of fossil fuel, the electric car is the most effective tool to meet the main objective of the Paris Agreement, such as limiting the increase in global warming to 2°C from its pre-industrial level. For this, the transcendental document indicates that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions must be reduced until they [...]

Wind Power, unlimited, clean and efficient

The main objective of the Paris Agreement is to limit the increase in global temperature to no more than 2°C, from its pre-industrial level, by the end of this century. To achieve this key objective, greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced until they are completely eradicated. Through the premise “Zero fossil fuels” is intended to replace oil, [...]

Summary and Conclusions of the COP23

The curtain has fallen on the stage that gave place to the twenty-third “Conference of the Parties on Climate Change”, held between November 6 and 17, 2017, in Bonn, chaired by Fiji. The German city facilitated the space, infrastructure and part of the organization necessary to carry out the event. Why Bonn? Because it is [...]

Past, present and future of the electric car or how the green car can save the planet

A crisis of faith Somebody who has been writing about environmental issues for more than a decade may have a moment of deep doubt, something like that believer who has ever felt that God has turned away from him so much that he even thinks that the Creator does not exist. He suffers a crisis [...]

What are hurricanes and how do they relate to global warming

There is no evidence on the relationship between hurricanes and global warming, but there are some suspicions based on certain facts There are mixed views on the relationship between global warming and hurricanes. So far, no evidence has been found to support this relationship. Whenever there is an extraordinary phenomenon that is supposed [...]

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