Climate Change

Ask in the Forest Day: Who owns the Amazon rainforest?

Source: Amazonia Gallery A few months after we published this article, in March 2019, the fires in the Amazon rain forest happened. A tragedy whose consequences have not yet been quantified. The circumstances that motivated our writing a year ago are more valid today than then. For this reason, we consider [...]

The Nature Philosophy and the Antiplanet

I have been thinking for some time that we must return to the nature philosophy, the first philosophy, in order to give a metaphysical explanation to the destruction of the Earth by the "antiplanets", those Homo sapiens who, for different reasons and actions, they dedicate themselves to compromising, consciously or unconsciously, the future of life [...]

Timeline of ozone layer holes

What is the ozone layer? When were your holes discovered? What are your causes? How are they closing? What is the Montreal Protocol? What is the Kigali Amendment? We present a brief chronology on these topics. Who discovered the ozone layer, when the alarms were lit on their holes, what is being done about it [...]

The COP25, Chile and its golden opportunity to make history

The COP25 will take place in Chile, between December 2 and 13 , 2019 Chile will host the COP25 in 2019, with the happy coincidence that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. It was created with the premise of reinforcing public awareness on a global [...]

Summary and conclusions of the COP24, Katowice 2018

The lights turned off on the stage of the COP24. Without detracting from the selfless and continuous work of Mrs. Patricia Espinoza, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the great efforts that the UN has been developing in climate and environmental matters since 1972, the 24th Conference of the [...]

Donald Trump’s opinion on climate change: “I don’t believe it”

At a time when deniers or skeptics of climate change are diminishing and losing their influence in the world, President Donald Trump emerges on the horizon as the number one denial of global warming, climate change and other disturbances in the Earth System, attributed to humans for science. This is very serious because Mr. Trump [...]

Everybody loves timber

An addiction hard to left The black widow is made love by the male, who in his last pleasant moments ignores his immediate future. Finished the loving rite the female sticks his poisonous sting and the unfortunate lover falls to the ground instantly. There is no scientific explanation for as strange as unnatural behavior. The [...]

Preliminary information about the COP24 Katowice 2018

Updated on November 2, 2018 Objectives, agenda and general information This year's COP motto is "Changing together” a beautiful invitation made to all parties at COP24 to make a determination to implement the Paris Agreement. The COP24 is the twenty-fourth Conference of the Parties on Climate Change, sponsored by the UN, held every year since 1995. [...]

The Anthropocene, the epoch of humans

The evolution of the homo genre has been such a vertiginous race that it is an event unparalleled on our planet, since we had never seen anything like it on the evolutionary scale of any kind. This rapid progress has been observed through the measurements of the skulls found by the paleoanthropologists. In a period [...]

Short history of the Montreal Protocol and holes in the ozone layer

Updated January 2019 The discovery of the holes in the ozone layer and how the problem was addressed by the Montreal Protocol, is a clear example of how research and scientific discoveries on climatic and environmental anomalies can be discussed and resolved successfully by nations through agreements, treaties and protocols, when there is consensus and [...]

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