FAQs about the Paris Agreement 

10. Which are the countries that refused to sign the Paris Agreement?

For the date only two countries refused to sign the document: Syria and Nicaragua. However, President Donald Trump of the United States, shortly after assuming the presidency, made the decision to withdraw his nation from the Paris Agreement.

Other sections of the Paris Agreement

Are the objectives of the Paris Agreement realistic?

Never before had humanity reached an agreement as advanced as that of Paris. Never before has it been so close as now to take concrete action to prevent Global Warming from continuing its increase. It should also be noted that for the first time such terms as those of the Paris Agreement, sponsored by the UN, UNFCCC, were accepted by almost all countries on Earth. However, one issue is the good intentions, the spirit and letter of the agreements and another reality that is observed in practice, as has been seen in the past, whose most regrettable exponent was the failure of the Kyoto Protocol…

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Never had an agreement like that of Paris been obtained

The Paris Agreement is an ambitious global agreement to combat climate change, negotiated during COP21, Paris 2015, Twenty-first Conference of the Parties, on climate change. The ground-breaking document has been adopted by 197 countries and officially signed on April 22, 2016, Earth Day, and will come into force in 2020. It is planned to limit the increase in global temperature to 2 ° C, to Starting from the pre-industrial era, through the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, caused by fossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal, among others…

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