Infographics COP25 Chile-Madrid 2019

From December 2 until December 13, 2019, COP25, Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is held. On this occasion, Chile chairs the COP under the presidency of Carolina Schmidt, Minister of Environment of Chile and is celebrated in Madrid with the organization and logistical support of the Government of Spain, represented by Teresa Ribera, Minister of Ecological Transition of Spain. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (CMUNCC) is directed by its Secretary General, Patricia Espinosa.
From Santiago to Madrid
It is up to the American continent to host the COP25 summit in 2019. After Brazil refused to host the summit, the United Nations for Climate Change accepted Chile’s proposal to conduct the COP25 in the city of Santiago and Carolina Schmidt, Minister of Environment of Chile, is designated president of COP25 for the period 2019-2020.
Social and political events in October lead the president of Chile, Sebastian Piñera, to cancel the celebration of COP25. In a few hours the president of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, offers to do it in the city of Madrid on the scheduled date. The Secretary General of United Nations for Climate Change, Patricia Espinosa, ratifies the presidency of COP25 to Chile and Carolina Schmidt as the designated president; Spain designates Teresa Ribera, Minister for the Ecological Transition, as the person in charge of the organization in Spain of the summit.

The COP25 venue
The IFEMA fair park, Feria de Madrid, is the venue that receives the COP25 Chile-Madrid 2019 at its facilities

Blue Zone
Space destined to the realization of the Climate Summit and administered directly by the United Nations. Conferences and negotiations are held here between member countries attending the 25th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP25). Also to the 15th meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP15) and 2nd meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA 2). Only organizations, agencies, media and non-profit observer organizations accredited for the Convention participate. In this area there are also the Special Pavilions and the Parallel Events areas of the official agenda.

Facilities location plans in IFEMA

External link: United Nations Climate Change. COP25. Enclosure plans
Green Zone
The Green Zone is a space at COP25 so that they can express themselves in an interactive, participatory and inclusive way in everything related to climate action. Daily activities are related to the topics addressed in the Blue Zone of COP25, with the intention of connecting the two spaces.
The Green Zone occupies pavilion 1 and occupies about 3,000 m2 of the Madrid Fair, it is a citizen space with which Spain wants to contribute to facilitate the participation of all civil society by creating environmental awareness. The activities are based on fair transition, health, gender, sustainable finance, innovation, forests, science and climate change or nature-based solutions.
The Green Zone will have 7 different spaces:
• Ágora: It will have an area of 600 m2 with capacity for about 250 people. Here will be the turquoise space, an interconnection point between the green zone and the blue zone where the most relevant events that occur in the blue zone will be broadcast to establish a dialogue and that civil society in the green zone can open the debate and its message can be received
• Climate sector action: space where COP25 sponsors will be present, who will have a non-commercial exhibition space for activities and services linked to the topics that the Summit will address.
• Civil society: space where various cultural and participatory activities will take place.
• Young people: in this area the activities most related to educational and awareness topics will take place.
• Innovation and Science: managed directly by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, the advances in innovation in the fight against climate change will be shown.
• Mare Nostrum: led by Spain, will serve as a showcase for the presentation of projects and debate. This space will be mainly nourished by activities and contents of the different public institutions of the State.
• Original Peoples: a space led by Chile that will promote the encounter and participation of the Original Peoples of Chile in the global climate change strategy.

The agenda of COP25 Chile-Madrid 2019
Monday 2:
- 8:00 am: Formal opening of the Conference in Baker Plenary for the election of the President of the Conference, and the opening plenary for the procedures of COP 25, CMP 15 and CMA 2. Mr. Michał will attend the opening. Kurtyka, President of COP 24 / CMP 14 / CMA 1.3, His Excellency Mrs. Carolina Schmidt, President-Designated of COP 25 / CMP 15 / CMA 2 and Ms. Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
- 10.00: Official inauguration of the climate summit in Madrid by the President of the Acting Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez; UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and COP25 president Carolina Schmidt, Minister of Environment of Chile, the president of the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC), Mr. Hoesung Lee.
- Lunch. Information session on training, programs developed and implemented by the UNFCCC secretariat to support the implementation of the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol.
- 16.00 – 18.00: Informal discussion on the revision of the terms of reference of the CGE, the largest electricity company in Chile.
King Felipe VI will offer in the afternoon a reception at the Royal Palace to about 50 authorities, including Heads of State and Government, ministers and other representatives of international organizations, who will participate in the inaugural session of the Climate Summit.
18.30 – 20.00 hours: Technological Mechanism Event.
Tuesday 3:
- 10 am – 3 pm: Earth Information Day 2019 provides an opportunity for stakeholders to meet with community members to discuss the latest activities and exchange information on the state of the global climate system, the implementation of the observation , needs and services. You can see the different points of this session here.
- 13.15 – 14.30: Launch of the platform for science-based ocean solutions (PSBOS)
- 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm: Informal dialogue between representatives of organizations constituted on the functions of the LCIPP (Introduction to the Platform of Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples).
- 18.15 – 20.15 hours: Presentation of reports on quantitative information on inventories of greenhouse gases. The objective of this informative session is to provide information on tools to alleviate these gases.
- 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm: Exhibition of the work of the LEG (London Engineering Group) in support of least developed countries (LDCs) in adaptation. The LDC Expert Group is mandated to provide technical guidance in the process to formulate and increase national adaptation plans (NAPs). It is a parallel event that will take place in room 3.
- Improved use of nutrients and manure management towards sustainable and resilient agricultural systems: from 3 pm to 6 pm on Tuesday 3 and from 10 am to 1 pm on Wednesday 4. The COP requested the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice of the UN (SBSTA) and the National Administration of State Sanitary Works (SBI) that will jointly address issues related to agriculture, such as vulnerabilities with climate change and how to address food security.
Wednesday 4:
- 15.00 – 18.00: Special event of the SBSTA-IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) on how to unpack the new scientific knowledge and key findings in the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land. The special report entitled ‘Climate change and land: a special IPCC report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security and greenhouse gas flows in terrestrial ecosystems’ is debated.
- 3 pm – 6 pm: Balance on implementation and ambition prior to 2020. This meeting provides an opportunity to reflect on the efforts of the COP in the implementation and ambition prior to 2020, the challenges and opportunities, and how lessons could be taken forward, as countries prepare for the transition to the post-2020 world.
- 16.00 – 17.00 horas: Evento presidencial organizado por el Ministerio de Ciencia.
- 18.30 – 20.30 horas: Un evento conjunto sobre la integración de los conocimientos y valores locales e indígenas en la acción de adaptación.
Thursday 5:
- 10:00 – 18:30: Day of young and future generations at COP 25. Young people lead climate action by implementing mitigation and adaptation projects, propose innovative solutions, boost social progress and inspire political changes, both in urban and rural contexts. Multiple activities are presented, but you have more information by clicking here. There will also be the Action Hub, although clicking here you have all the activities that will be developed in this area.
- 15.00 – 18.00: Special event of the SBSTA-IPCC: unpacking the new scientific knowledge and key findings in the Special Report on the ocean and the cryosphere in a changing climate.
- 18:00 – 20:00: Institutionalization of the data management system and second informal CGE pilot forum. You have all the parts of this event in this link.
Friday 6:
- 8.30 – 10.00: Presidential event organized by the Ministry of Transportation.
- 15.00 – 18.00: Action event on land use and event of the oceans and coastal areas.
- 18:00 – 21:00: Collaborate with relevant partners and organizations in this thematic area, including in the organization this forum. It will be carried out under the direction of the Chair of the SBSTA.
Saturday 7:
- 10.00 – 13.00: Multilateral Evaluation Part I, in the TBA room. You can see the roadmap of this evaluation and the countries that attend the presentation by clicking here.
- 15:00 -18:00: Action event on human settlements.
Monday 9:
- 10.00 – 13.00: 8th workshop on the exchange of views on climate change and presentation of measures. The countries that will participate, in order of intervention, will be: Chile, Ghana, India, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia.
- 15:00 – 18:00: Closing plenary session of the SBSTA and the SBI.
- 15:00 – 18:00: Presidential event organized by the Minister of Finance.
- 15.00 – 17.00: Multilateral Evaluation Part II. Continuation of the evaluation started on Saturday. The details of the speakers you have here.
- 16.30 – 17.30: Dialogue on endogenous capacity and technology.
Tuesday 10:
- 12.00 – 18:00: Gender Day. It is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of a gender-sensitive climate policy and action, as well as highlighting the contribution and leadership of women in climate action. You can check the program and activities in this link.
- 13:00 – 15:00: High-level event on action for climate empowerment at COP 25. It is the focus of Article 6 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and Article 12 of the Paris Agreement related to education, training, public awareness, etc. This event will bring together ministers of the environment and education.
- 18.15 – 20.00: Presidential event organized by the energy minister.
Wednesday 11:
10.00 – 13.00: Balance on implementation and ambition prior to 2020 – High level part. This meeting provides an opportunity for ministers to reflect on pre-2020 implementation and ambition, challenges and opportunities, as countries prepare for the transition to the post-2020 world. It will take place in the Baker Hall, hall 3.
Thursday, 12:
6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.: 25 years of the UNFCCC. To celebrate the occasion, the Adaptation Committee will publish an updated version of its 2013 report on the status of adaptation under the Convention, entitled as the event. Therefore, COP 25 offers the opportunity to organize an event to reflect on the history and future of the adaptation of the UNFCCC process. The event will include an interactive panel and a question and answer session.
Friday 13:
Closing sessions of the climate summit.
Source: TeleMadrid
Translation: SGK-PLANET
The events to be held during COP25 Chile-Madrid 2019
External link: United Nations Climate Change. Events at COP25