Global Warming

Only One Earth. World Environment Day 2022

Only One Earth. World Environment Day 2022 In harmony with nature Living sustainably in harmony with nature This June 5, 2022, we celebrate World Environment Day. The theme this time is Only One Earth, and with the motto Living sustainably in harmony with nature. On the occasion of Stockholm+50, the theme of the Stockholm Conference [...]

Stockholm Declaration. Proclaims and Principles

Report of the United Nations Conferences on the Human Environment Stocjholm, 5 - 16 June 1972 United Nations Publications Nueva York, 1973 A/CONF.48/14/Rev.l Part One Action taken by the Conference Chapter I Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, Having met at Stockholm [...]

Back to Stockholm!

At the 1972 Stockholm Conference was everything we should have done, but didn't do Going back to Stockholm, in the real sense of the phrase, is impossible. Only in science fiction can you go back to the past. Reversing deforestation of forests is unreal. It can be reforested, yes, but the deforested areas are so [...]

World Water Day 2022. Groundwater, making the invisible visible

Groundwater, making the invisible visible Every March 22 we celebrate World Water Day, and in 2022 the theme chosen by the United Nations is “Groundwater, making the invisible visible”. It seeks to focus attention on the importance that the main source of water for human consumption is groundwater, so it must be protected by giving [...]

By |2022-03-21T19:44:34+00:00March 21st, 2022|Categories: Climate Change, Energy, Environment, Global Warming, Pollution, Soils, Sustainability, Water|0 Comments

International Day of Forests 2022. Forests and sustainable production and consumption

Forests and sustainable production and consumption The theme of the International Day of Forests 2022 “Forests and sustainable production and consumption”, has been chosen to draw attention to this problem and to consciously promote the use of sustainable wood for people and the planet. Forests are one of the main means of absorbing CO2, fundamental [...]

Forests and water, two inseparable and essential factors

On March 21 and 22, the “International Day of Forests” and the “World Water Day” are celebrated. Let the opportunity be propitious to remember that deforestation of forests, drought and water scarcity are closely related to each other, with serious environmental and social consequences. In almost the entire planet, water scarcity has become an increasingly [...]

Oil companies could go from villains to heroes of decarbonization

Green hydrogen is called to become the star fuel in the planet's energy transition process, with which the long-awaited decarbonized world would be achieved. Oil companies must accept this reality and realize the historical moment we are experiencing. Instead of seeing green hydrogen (H2V) as a threat, they should see it as their golden opportunity. [...]

Summary and conclusions of COP26 Glasgow 2021

Introduction. Half a century lost before Glasgow. Summary of COP26. What is the Glasgow Climate Pact? Main objectives of COP26. Who were the absent leaders? The physical spaces. Opinions. COP26 conclusions Introduction Half a century lost before Glasgow In Stockholm-1972 the First Earth Summit was held. This meeting produced the "Stockholm Declaration", a document comparable [...]

Preliminary information on COP26 Glasgow 2021

Updated September 18, 2021 COP26 will take place in the Scottish city of Glasgow, between October 31 and November 12, 2021, and not in 2020 as planned. Its postponement was due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This change of date was agreed between the UN and the Governments of the United Kingdom and Italy, which are [...]

Heat waves, fires, and climate change

The temperatures recorded these days in Lytton, Canada and Pakistan are an alert to the world In the year 2021 we have seen unprecedented phenomena related to excessive heat, which has surprised the north of the planet. The situation has turned dramatic in the small town of Lytton, on June 29, where the temperature touched [...]

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