FAQs about Wind Power

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11. Is wind energy in tune with sustainable development?

The main objective of the Paris Agreement is to limit the increase in global temperature to no more than 2°C by the end of the century, from its pre-industrial level. To achieve this, greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced until they are completely eradicated. Through the premise “Zero fossil fuels” is intended to replace them with renewable and clean energy. Wind energy, together with solar energy and electric cars, meets these requirements.

Wind energy is a source of clean energy, which fits the concept of green energy, as it does not cause pollution. Wind energy is a source of renewable energy since the winds are formed naturally and are inexhaustible. In the process of the use of wind energy is not contaminated as in the case of energy is obtained from fossil fuels, coal or nuclear energy.

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Wind Power, unlimited, clean and efficient

The main objective of the Paris Agreement is to limit the increase in global temperature to no more than 2°C, from its pre-industrial level, by the end of this century. To achieve this key objective, greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced until they are completely eradicated. Through the premise “Zero fossil fuels” is intended to replace oil, coal, natural gas and gas oil for renewable and clean energy, such as solar energy, electric cars and wind energy…



Wind Power: clean, renewable and natural

Wind energy is the ability to obtain an effect from wind or air currents and convert it into electrical energy. Wind energy is clean, renewable and natural, so it goes in the direction of the Paris Agreement and the fight against global warming and climate change. Wind energy, solar energy and lithium batteries from electric cars are the main weapons available to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The wind process is carried out by means of a wind turbine…


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