
World Bee Day 2022

Celebrating the diversity of bees and beekeeping systems This May 20, like every year since 2017, we celebrate World Bee Day. This year we continue with the theme “Commitment to bees”, which has been dedicated to celebrating their diversity and that of beekeeping systems. On the occasion of this Day, the United Nations wants to [...]

By |2022-05-20T00:31:58+00:00May 20th, 2022|Categories: Anthropocene, Climate Change, Environment, Sustainability|0 Comments

Summary and conclusions of COP26 Glasgow 2021

Introduction. Half a century lost before Glasgow. Summary of COP26. What is the Glasgow Climate Pact? Main objectives of COP26. Who were the absent leaders? The physical spaces. Opinions. COP26 conclusions Introduction Half a century lost before Glasgow In Stockholm-1972 the First Earth Summit was held. This meeting produced the "Stockholm Declaration", a document comparable [...]

Meaning and importance of the environment and biodiversity

World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5 of each year. In 2020 the venue of the event will be Colombia. Around 30 experts will participate in six academic panels that will be held that day. Topics to be discussed will be the Amazon, air quality, health, circular economy, and climate change. The central theme [...]

International Mother Earth Day in an environment of COVID-19

The motivation for this year 2020: "The role of biological diversity" This year marks the golden anniversary of the International Mother Earth Day, established on April 22, 1970, to stimulate by the American senator Gaylord Nelson, promoter of the first demonstration in defense of the environment in the United States. 50 years ago, Nelson encouraged [...]

By |2020-04-22T05:52:28+00:00April 22nd, 2020|Categories: Anthropocene, Climate Change, Global Warming|0 Comments

Reopen or not reopen, here is the question

Humanity is at the greatest crossroads in its history, caused by the unexpected attack of the new coronavirus, causing the pathology COVID-19. No one can say a priori that it is better to reopen or not to reopen. It has been heard over there: “I'd rather die of COVID-19 than famine". Whoever says this has [...]

By |2020-04-24T01:13:45+00:00April 21st, 2020|Categories: Anthropocene|0 Comments

For a better world after COVID-19

The coronavirus is a worldwide catastrophe, a planetary cataclysm, a universal chaos that surprised us all. A tragedy of proportions still impossible to quantify. In baseball terms, we caught us off base. In terms of soccer, the coronavirus showed us a red card and sent us to sit in our houses, until he leaves. Most [...]

By |2020-04-04T20:30:21+00:00April 4th, 2020|Categories: Anthropocene, Climate Change, Environment|0 Comments

Australia: A mirror for the world?

Could Australia be the first area of the planet with a climate change concluded? Not only are the mega fires out of control, which with their violent flames devastate everything they find in their path. Now other phenomena join the fires, increasing the anguish and misfortune of its poor inhabitants, animals and vegetation. As if [...]

Proposal of SGK-PLANET to curb Climate Change

Climate change advances faster than the human understanding of the Earth crisis or the slow change in attitude of the main causes of the problem. Our proposal What should be done after a quarter of a century of annual meetings of the COP, climate conferences of very good intentions but very poor results? In the [...]

2020: the year of truth for earthlings

This year 2020 is expected to activate the Paris Agreement at COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, November 2 to 13. The next twelve months will be crucial and potentially full of challenges, as can be deduced from the insufficient results of COP25 and the history of failure and postponements accumulated during the last quarter of the century, [...]

Can the multiplication of gas pipelines in Europe face the Paris Agreement?

New technologies allow the construction of long gas pipelines at high speed Published in January 2019. Reviewed in December 2019 (These days the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline is world news because the United States Congress has approved sanctions related to the Russian gas pipeline that will take natural gas to Germany, [...]

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