“Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration”

Date: June 5, 2024

Host country: Saudi Arabia.

Motto: “Our lands. Our future”.

Numeral: We are the #RestorationGeneration.

UN: “World Environment Day 2024 focuses on restoring lands, stopping desertification and strengthening resilience to drought.”

SGK-Planet opinion: In view of the urgency of the situation, every day of the year should be dedicated to the environment, but only June 5 is dedicated to our natural environment.

Why do we say this?

Well, because the environment covers almost everything, and it is so deteriorated that it would require 365 days x 24 hours of attention.

Origin: World Environment Day was established in 1972 by the United Nations General Assembly, on the occasion of the First Earth Summit, Stockholm, Sweden, also known as the “United Nations Conference on the Human Environment.”

This special event had the environment as its central theme and produced the “Stockholm Declaration”, comparable to the Declaration of Human Rights, within which the “Declaration of principles on the environment and development” occupies an important space.

Now, in the 52 years since Stockholm 1972, the environment has been deteriorating at high speed, which demonstrates, once again, the limited effectiveness of climate conferences and summits.

The situation is so serious that the UN, on its website, says: “We cannot go back in time, but we can grow forests, revitalize water sources and restore soils. “We are the generation that can make peace with the lands.”

It also reports that “up to 40% of the planet’s land areas are degraded, which directly affects half of the world’s population. The number and duration of drought periods have increased by 29% since 2000 and, if urgent action is not taken, droughts could affect more than three quarters of the world’s population by 2050.”

All of this is very serious, because it demonstrates the lack of interest on the part of the major polluters to meet the established goals, and of the world population in general for not demanding that their rulers take the necessary measures, and especially of young people for not joining the ranks in a timely manner. the fight against climate change.

We still have time, let’s not leave it for tomorrow… maybe tomorrow will be too late.

What is the environment and what are its components?

In this set of frequently asked questions you will find the answers to the most common questions on the topic discussed here.

FAQs about the environment

  1. What is the environment and what is its importance?
  2. What are the components of the environment?
  3. What is ecology and what is its relationship to the environment?
  4. What is an ecosystem and what are its components?
  5. What are biomes, and which are the most important?
  6. How does climate change affect the environment?
  7. How does intensive agriculture and livestock affect the environment?
  8. What are the causes and consequences of environmental pollution?
  9. What are we doing to curb the deterioration of the environment?
  10. What is the “UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration”?

Sandor Alejandro Gerendas-Kiss