FAQs about Rio Summit 1992

2. Who participated in the Rio Summit 1992?
The Second Earth Summit, or Rio Summit 1992, was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, between June 3 and 14, 1992, organized by the UN. Maurice Strong was its secretary general, 172 countries attended, including 108 Heads of State and Government, as well as 400 representatives of non-governmental organizations. On the other hand, some 17,000 people attended the NGO Forum, held in parallel to the Summit.
FAQs about Rio Summit 1992
1. Why was the Rio Summit 1992 the Second Earth Summit?
2. Who participated in the Rio Summit 1992?
3. What was the importance of the Rio Summit 1992?
4. What is the relationship between the Rio Summit 1992 and the COP?
5. What is the “Declaration of principles relating to forests” Rio 1992?
6. What is the “Convention on Biological Diversity” Rio 1992?
7. What is the “Convention to Combat Desertification”?
8. What is Agenda 21 and how does it relate to sustainable development?
9. What are the criticisms about the Rio Summit 1992?
10. Is the Paris Agreement a consequence of the Rio Summit 1992?