FAQs about Wind Power

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1. What is wind power?

Wind power (energía eólica in Spanish) is the energy obtained from the air currents, which has been used by humans since ancient times to move sailboats or operate windmills to grind wheat. In both cases the kinetic energy of the wind has been transformed into mechanical energy. In the case of the production of electricity, mechanical energy is transformed into electrical energy through the wind power process.

The sun’s rays heat the atmosphere in a non-uniform way, so the air temperature is different between one area and another. Hot air tends to rise and displace cold air, which lowers to replace it. The resultant of this movement are the air currents that we have called winds. The wind has a mass and when it moves it acquires kinetic energy, which, through the wind process, is captured, transformed into mechanical energy and finally into electricity. All this is done by an artifact called a wind turbine.

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