FAQs about Wind Power

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5. What is a wind farm?
A wind farm is a group of wind turbines that can be located on land or at sea, the former being the most common, although parks far from the coasts have grown significantly in Europe in recent years. The number of wind turbines that make up a park is variable and depends, among other aspects, on the needs of an area, the available surface and the characteristics of the air currents of the place. Not all the energy that comes from the wind is usable, the wind energy only operates with horizontal currents, since the vertical do not have the dynamic energy necessary for its use. Before the choice of the site to install a wind farm, the features of the wind must be analyzed for twelve or more months. In addition, they must undergo a prior environmental impact study, which includes the effect of the works, power lines, effects on the flora and fauna and the visual impact.
Other FAQs about Wind Power
1. What is wind power?
2. How is electricity produced by wind power?
3. What is a wind turbine and how does it work?
4. How many households can a wind turbine provide electricity?
5. What is a wind farm?
6. What happens when there is no wind in a wind farm?
7. Which are the leading countries in wind energy?
8. What is the share of wind energy in global electricity consumption?
9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of wind energy?
10. What is the difference between wind energy and electric power?
11. Is wind energy in tune with sustainable development?
Other sections of Wind Power

Wind Power, unlimited, clean and efficient

Wind Power: clean, renewable and natural
Wind energy is the ability to obtain an effect from wind or air currents and convert it into electrical energy. Wind energy is clean, renewable and natural, so it goes in the direction of the Paris Agreement and the fight against global warming and climate change. Wind energy, solar energy and lithium batteries from electric cars are the main weapons available to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The wind process is carried out by means of a wind turbine…