FAQs about Oceans

4. How does global warming affect the oceans?
The constant increase in global temperature significantly affects the oceans and increases the danger to human life and many other species. Marine species depend on dissolved oxygen in the water of the oceans, just as we depend on oxygen in the air. Climate change is gradually decreasing the amount of oxygen, affecting the life that develops in seas and oceans.
Global warming affects the oceans in different ways
Rise in the temperature of the oceans, which brings various consequences on their own waters and the entire planet. Remember that the oceans cover three quarters of the Earth’s surface.
Water acidification (see question # 5)
melting of glaciers
Sea level rise
Change of sea currents
Movement of species towards colder areas
Imbalance in the distribution of marine ecosystems
Affectation of trophic or food chains
Endangers the species that inhabit the oceans
The oceans “produce half of all the oxygen we breathe”, according to the UN. In addition to regulating the Earth’s climate and temperature, they provide food and are “home to hundreds of thousands of species and have long been our best allies in efforts to curb climate change. More than 93% of all the heat that human activities have added to the planet since the 1950s has been absorbed by the oceans, but at a price we are only beginning to understand (…).
Rising temperatures and increased acidification of the oceans are showing up in the melting of Arctic Sea ice and coral bleaching. Immediate action is needed, and we must jointly use all the tools at our disposal: mitigation, protection, restoration, and adaptation. If the oceans have so far been our best allies, in the immediate future there is a risk that they will begin to pick up the tab: a large part of the emissions that we have generated since the beginning of the 20th century, now stored in the oceans, may return to the atmosphere”.
FAQs about Oceans
1. What are the earth’s oceans and what is their importance?
2. Are the oceans lungs of the Earth?
3. How many marine species are there, and which ones are in danger?
4. How does global warming affect the oceans?
5. What is acidification and how does it affect the oceans?
6. What is overfishing and what consequences does it have for the oceans?
7. What are the main pollutants in the oceans?
8. How do plastics affect the oceans?
Other Secctions of the Oceans
Revitalization: collective action for the ocean. World Oceans Day 2022
On June 8 we celebrate World Oceans Day 2022, this year framed in the UN Decade of Ocean Sciences and within which the Conference of the Oceans. The theme of 2022 Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean wants this year to emphasize the greatness of the ocean as a source of life for all human beings and for all other organisms that inhabit the Earth.
Our planet Earth is also known as the blue planet because more than 70% of its surface is covered by the waters of oceans and seas, which gives it its distinctive color. These huge bodies of water are essential for life as they provide us with food, as well as being important regulators of climate change and generators of most of the oxygen we breathe.
World Oceans Day was proposed during the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, 1992, although it was only implemented in 2008. Since then, World Oceans Day is celebrated on June 8 of each year, by resolution of the General Assembly of the UN. Its objective is to raise awareness about the importance of the oceans and how to preserve them. This year the UN has chosen two reasons to celebrate World Oceans Day.