FAQ about Glaciers
6. Did you know that Venezuela is the first country in the world to lose its last glacier?
Although measures were taken to save Venezuela’s glaciers, says National Geographic , “the path to its disappearance was already well-trodden. From 1952 to 2019, Venezuela lost 98% of its glaciers. This year, due to climate change, the South American country received the fatal blow, as it is already reported that its entire glacial surface has disappeared…
Millions of people around the world are experiencing firsthand the effects of climate change. The highest areas of the planet are also experiencing an increase in temperatures…
This was decisive for Venezuela to see its last glacier disappear, one that already had its time counted, and which, even so, reduced its existence.
FAQs about glaciers
1. What are glaciers, how long do they take to form and retreat?
2. What is the difference between a glacier, an iceberg and an ice pack?
3. What benefits do glaciers provide us?
4. Why are glaciers and other ice the Earth’s sunscreens?
5. What would happen if all the glaciers on Earth melted?
6. Did you know that Venezuela is the first country in the world to lose its last glacier?
8. How many glaciers are there on Earth and which are the highest?
Other sections of Glaciers
At the beginning of May 2024, the disappearance of the Humboldt Glacier, the last ice mass of its type in our country, made news. It was located in Mérida, in the Sierra Nevada of the same name. The Humboldt was the last Venezuelan glacier… and the first to disappear. Read +