Climate Change

World Environment Day 2021 Ecosystem Restoration. Reimagine, recreate, restore

Ecosystem Restoration. Reimagine, recreate, restore. June 5 was established as World Environment Day by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972. On that date, the Stockholm Conference “First Earth Summit” was held at the initiative of Sweden and in conjunction with the UN. Also known as the “United Nations Conference on the Human Environment”, its [...]

By |2021-07-03T19:29:53+00:00June 3rd, 2021|Categories: Climate Change, Energy, Environment, Paris Agreement, Sustainability|0 Comments

The Earth talks in its Day

Today, April 22, I am 4300 million years old and in such a long period I have never seen anything like this. But first let me introduce myself. My name is Earth or Mother Earth. I am a blue globe, which in practice is a gigantic condominium with hundreds of thousands of apartments inhabited by [...]

By |2021-04-22T02:41:41+00:00April 22nd, 2021|Categories: Air, Climate Change, Environment, Global Warming, Pollution, Soils, Water|0 Comments

The Paris Agreement the hope of humankind

While it is true that many people are expectant about the Paris Agreement, among other things because of its starting difficulties, it is also true that it is an extremely powerful document, accepted by almost every nation on the planet. It is a universal agreement that establishes measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This in [...]

Global warming, greenhouse effect, climate change and their relationships

We must be clear the difference between these three phenomena on Earth, although they are so closely related to each other that it is almost impossible to talk about one of them without mentioning the other two. These natural conditions of our planet, existing for millions of years, are linked to other characteristics such as [...]

The ABC of Wildfires: Australia, Brazil, and California

Every year vegetation fires occupy more inches in the media. And is not for less. Along with greenhouse gas emissions and the extinction of species, forest fires have for decades become one of the great threats to the Earth's climate system and therefore to the life that develops on it. These fires, some of great [...]

Brief update on Permafrost There is not much talk about permafrost, despite its enormous size and importance. To give you an idea, these ice-free frozen regions occupy a quarter of the Earth's soils. The name was coined in 1943 by S. W. Müller and is derived from "permanent" and "frost" words, that is, permanently [...]

By |2020-08-30T03:11:01+00:00August 30th, 2020|Categories: Climate Change, Environment, Global Warming, Soils|0 Comments

International Soil Conservation Day

It is celebrated on July 7 since 1963 in memory of Dr. Hugh Hammond Bennett, American researcher who dedicated himself to the study of the production and care of the soil, while retaining its integrity to maintain the balance of the environment. Soil is one of the most important resources to combat climate change. Like [...]

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought 2020

On June 17, the United Nations celebrates the Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, dedicated this 2020 to promote a change of attitude towards the incessant production and consumption of humanity, which in part are generating desertification and degradation of the lands on the planet. This year the motto is “Food. Feed. Fibre”, with which [...]

By |2021-06-17T05:41:52+00:00June 17th, 2020|Categories: Climate Change, Energy, Environment, Forest, Global Warming, Soils, Sustainability, Water|0 Comments

World Oceans Day. Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean

As every year since 2008, this June 8 is celebrated the World Oceans Day. Like the other ephemerides that we celebrate around the environment of our planet, this time it is also marked by the impact that COVID-19 has generated in each of the aspects of life on Earth. The importance of the seas and [...]

By |2020-07-10T23:32:47+00:00June 9th, 2020|Categories: Climate Change, Environment, Global Warming, Pollution, Sustainability, Water|0 Comments

Meaning and importance of the environment and biodiversity

World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5 of each year. In 2020 the venue of the event will be Colombia. Around 30 experts will participate in six academic panels that will be held that day. Topics to be discussed will be the Amazon, air quality, health, circular economy, and climate change. The central theme [...]

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