Monthly Archives: April 2018

Single-use plastics at amazing levels of contamination

Today Earth Day is celebrated, as it has been done every April 22, since 1970. This year the theme that has been chosen is that of contamination with plastics due to concern about the subject. Plastic pollution is the accumulation of products of this material in the environment, which negatively affects the lives of almost [...]

The electric car and the thriller of the year 2020

By using clean energy instead of fossil fuel, the electric car is the most effective tool to meet the main objective of the Paris Agreement, such as limiting the increase in global warming to 2°C from its pre-industrial level. For this, the transcendental document indicates that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions must be reduced until they [...]

You will not kill a tree

A couple of nights ago I was watching with my wife one of these homes improving and decoration series. I was half sleepy when suddenly I was startled to see a big lot full of logs. Obviously, it was not the first time I saw something like that. The difference was the size of the [...]

By |2019-10-19T16:31:07+00:00April 11th, 2018|Categories: Forest, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Wind Power, unlimited, clean and efficient

The main objective of the Paris Agreement is to limit the increase in global temperature to no more than 2°C, from its pre-industrial level, by the end of this century. To achieve this key objective, greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced until they are completely eradicated. Through the premise “Zero fossil fuels” is intended to replace oil, [...]

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