FAQ about the El Niño phenomenon 2023-2024

7. What provisions can be made to minimize the effects of the El Niño phenomenon?
Recommendations taken from the Municipality of Miraflores, Lima, Peru.
The general recommendations to take into account are:
- Keep the roof of the house clean and free of materials; and if necessary, protect the roof of the house with polypropylene sheets (plastic sheeting), giving it a slope for water evacuation.
- If the home has a gable roof, install gutters to drain them, orienting them towards an evacuation or drainage area. • Try to clean the roof and its drains, as well as the street and its drains so that they do not become clogged with garbage. • If it rains heavily, flooding is likely to occur.
- Protect cables (electrical conductors) that may be on roofs or outside the house, to avoid contact with water.
- If driving, slow down, take precautions, and do not stop in areas where large amounts of water may flow. Do not cross flooded sections with your vehicle or on foot.
- If your home floods, it is advisable to leave it and disconnect the electricity.
- Carry out a general inspection of your house and repair cracks, cracks, leaks, damaged pipes, etc.
- After heavy rain and strong winds, make sure the danger has passed before cleaning up.
- Organize with your neighbors to help each other and communicate to the respective authorities.
- Follow the instructions of the authorities and prepare to evacuate if necessary.
- Prepare your emergency backpack and reserve box, with non-perishable items such as water and food.
- Have the telephone numbers of the Fire Department and the National Police on hand. Collaborate responsibly in the Civil Defense Brigades (in support of first response activities: rescue, debris removal, first aid, firefighting.
FAQs about the El Niño phenomenon 2023-2024
1. What is the El Niño phenomenon and what does it get its name from?
2. What is the formation process of the El Niño phenomenon?
3. When did the 2023-2024 El Niño phenomenon begin and when will it end?
4. Would global warming worsen the 2023-2024 El Niño phenomenon?
5. Which countries are most vulnerable to the El Niño phenomenon?
6. What would be the consequences of the El Niño 2023-2024 phenomenon?
7. What provisions can be made to minimize the effects of the El Niño phenomenon?
8. How are the El Niño and La Niña phenomena related?
9. How often does the El Niño phenomenon occur?
10. What are the recorded El Niño phenomena and which has been the most devastating?
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