
Why does the Amazon burn?

Today the news of the Amazon fire is the title of almost every newspaper in the world, in the most varied languages. In addition, it is a trend topic with more than 1.5 million tweets combined between the three variants of the theme on Twitter. The lung of the planet has been burning for 16 [...]

Questions and curiosities about Greta Thunberg’s trip

Why does Greta travel by sailboat? The obvious answer is that the sailboat does not emit greenhouse gases like a ship or a conventional plane. But Greta Thunberg's decision carries a symbol, and that is that humanity will have to change their lifestyle radically, because the current model no longer works. We will have to make [...]

Climate change deniers will have to capitulate

When the first railroads in the United States began to roar, many landlords questioned the viability of the new system of transportation and bet on their failure. Their argument was very simple: the railings were violating private property and they were not willing to allow it. Some people threatened to defend their possession with blood [...]

World Population Day

Why is World Population Day celebrated on July 11? The UN established this date because that day, in 1987, the world population reached 5,000 million people. Since then this figure has increased by more than 50%, surpassing the 7,600 million inhabitants. The numerical growth of humans in the 20th century was explosive. In 1900 the [...]

Generation Friday

Dedicated to all those children, teenagers and youth who have activated and fight for their future. A long time ago the world waited for you. It was proven once again that you cannot plow in the sea. Instead, seeds of hope, wherever they spread a good day can germinate, flourish and bear fruit. And notice [...]

World Day to Combat Desertification

The "World Day to Combat Desertification" is celebrated every year on June 17, because that day, in 1994, the "Convention to Combat Desertification" was enacted in Paris, that is, a quarter of a century ago. This 25th anniversary of the Convention will be organized by the government of Turkey, in the city of Ankara. This [...]

World Environment Day, environmental facts and curiosities

Beat Air Polution World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5, dedicated this year to the fight against air pollution with the moto “Beat Air pollution”. Established by the UN in 1972, during the Stockholm Conference, whose central theme was the normalization of human relations with the environment. China will be the global host of [...]

How we reach the Climate Emergency

On May 1, 2019 England declared the "Climate Emergency". It was the first country to do so. The threat that looms over life on our planet and the pressure of environmental groups made it take this big step. With the Climate Emergency Great Britain set name and last name to gravity. It is the object [...]

Games of Thrones or Climate Games?

About the premiere of the first episode of the last season of "Game of Thrones". I am 72 years old and I confess that I have never seen a delivery of the successful series. The reason: I need to attend to 24 different topics for having proposed to leave a legacy before leaving this world. [...]

The largest reservoir of fresh water on the planet and the threat of drought

The Amazon River and its thousand tributaries make up the largest and most powerful watershed on the planet. Thanks to this enormous expanse of waters, wetlands and marshes, the Amazon rainforest, called the lung of the world, was developed over millions of years. This wonderful system is rich in biodiversity, with millions of lives of [...]

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