Información Center COP16
Cali – Colombia 2024

La séptima

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Welcome to COP16. Conference on Biodiversity 2024

What is the “Convention on Biological Diversity” Rio 1992?

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was created during the Second Earth Summit, Rio de Janeiro-1992 and its basic principle is to promote measures that lead to a sustainable future. It is a legally binding international treaty, with three main objectives:
* The conservation of biological diversity.
* The sustainable use of its components.
* The fair and equitable participation in the benefits derived from the use of genetic resources.
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General information about COP16

Duration: Oct 21 – Nov 01, 2024.
Location: Cali, Colombia.
President: Susana Muhammad González.
Motto: Peace with nature.
Objective: “Promote sustainable development through a vision that involves ecosystems and people.”
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Articles in SGK-PLANET about Biodiversity

Biodiversity is everything. Any issue that we touch, such as global warming, climate change, sustainable economy is a function of it, since it is, for better or for worse, the recipient of our mistakes, successes or omissions.

There are two very worrying reports that have come to light recently: one refers to the danger of extinction over a million species. Yes, a million! The other tells us about the decrease in the population of vertebrates (mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians), by 60% between 1970 and 2014. This two information alone explain the title of this article.

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World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5 of each year. In 2020 the venue of the event will be Colombia. Around 30 experts will participate in six academic panels that will be held that day. Topics to be discussed will be the Amazon, air quality, health, circular economy, and climate change. The central theme is dedicated to “Conservation of biodiversity” and under the motto “Time for Nature”.
The environment is the space that sustains biodiversity and therefore life on Earth. By its definition, an environment cannot exist on a planet devoid of life since its statement implies the relationship of living beings with their environment.

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At the midpoint since the creation of the Agenda 2030 was approved, in 2015, and its implementation date in 2030, the 2023 SDG Summit is held in New York, headquarters of the United Nations, preceded by the report United in Science 2023 of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)(…)
We are currently facing a “ Triple planetary crisis ” due to the interrelation of the three main problems facing humanity: climate change, pollution and the loss of biodiversity . Each one with its own causes and effects, which must be resolved individually “if we want to have a viable future on this planet.”

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