Monthly Archives: June 2024

World Oceans Day 2024: Awaken New Depths

On June 8, 2024, within the framework of the UN Decade of Ocean Sciences, we celebrate World Oceans Day, with the theme “Awaken new depths”. The oceans are considered the lungs of the Earth. They provide about 50% of the planet's oxygen and are responsible for a large part of the Earth's biodiversity. Their waters [...]

World Environment Day 2024

"Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration" Date: June 5, 2024 Host country: Saudi Arabia. Motto: “Our lands. Our future". Numeral: We are the #RestorationGeneration. UN: “World Environment Day 2024 focuses on restoring lands, stopping desertification and strengthening resilience to drought.” SGK-Planet opinion: In view of the urgency of the situation, every day of the [...]

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