The Team
Sandor Alejandro Gerendas-Kiss
Principal Director – General Editor
Aixa Chacin de Gerendas
Editorial Director – Web Design
Daniel Zambrano Capecci
Information Technology Advisor
Web Administrator
Daniel Chacín Guzman
Media Advisor
Audiovisual Producer
Kailyn Chacín González
Web Marketing
Lesbia Chacín Rodríguez
Content Editor
In what ways do we do it?
3 Ways to reach it

Why do we write?
Our philosophy is to spread climate awareness. Our seeds are the words and letters, which we type throughout the year, since they do not depend on the seasons like the plants.
Virtual Magazines

Why a magazine?
It is a novel concept to provide relevant, visual and easy to read information. Oriented to the vertiginous of the 21st century where we all walk in a hurry.

Why do we ask?
We ask for answers so that each day there is greater awareness of the issues that endanger our planet and life in it.
… and you can also see them in our other formats

Photo Gallery

Video Gallery