Information Center
A healthy planet for the prosperity of all
our responsibility, our opportunity
2-3 June 2022

Back to Stockholm!
At the 1972 Stockholm Conference was everything we should have done, but didn’t do
Going back to Stockholm, in the real sense of the phrase, is impossible. (…) We propose a wide and deep review process starting in Stockholm, the beginning point of climate programs, to rectify what is still possible. There must be plenty of scientists, experts, jurists, and people from civil society who want to contribute to it. ≥…
The Stockholm Conference, what is the balance after 50 years?
Los orígenes de la Conferencia se remontan a una propuesta del Gobierno de Suecia, expuesta en una carta del 20 de mayo de 1968, dirigida a la Organización de la Naciones Unidas. En el memorando explicativo adjunto, el gobierno sueco propuso convocar una conferencia bajo los auspicios de la ONU para buscar una solución a los problemas del entorno humano. ≥…
Stockholm Declaration
Proclaims and Principles
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment.
The 7 Proclaims and the 26 Principles of Stockholm Declaration. ≥…